

Regular price $18.00


Flavor Notes
Dark Chocolate, Cherry, Candied Orange

Cup Characteristics
Smooth taste of dark chocolate complimented by juicy red fruit notes of cherry with a hint of cranberry. These flavors sing with a candied orange note reminiscent of a delicious brulee sugar. This medium-bodied coffee leaves us with a clean aftertaste that will be good company any time of the day. 

Producer Information
Antioquia's coffees are known for their medium body, smooth, well-balanced cup, and distinctive cup profiles. They often have notes of milk chocolate, walbut, cocoa, red fruits, and bright citric acidity. Antioquia's coffees are typically not as fruity or winey as those from other regions. 

Antioquia's coffee is grown on the slopes of the central and west Andes mountain ranges at altitudes of 1200–1900 masl. The region's strategic location, complex micro-climates, volcanic ash soil, and careful wet milling process contribute to the quality of the coffee. Farms in Antioquia range from small single-producer plots to large scale estates.

Antioquia is Colombia's second largest coffee producing region, with over 97,000 registered coffee growers farming 114,000 hectares. 125 municipalities in Antioquia depend on coffee for their livelihood.


What is the Washed Process?
The washed process is one of the most common processing methods. Freshly harvested coffee is sorted for ripeness and the fruit and pulp is removed from the beans within the first 24 hours after harvest for drying. 

Country of Origin: Colombia
Region: Department of Antioquia
Producer: Regional Blend
Varietal: Colombia, Castillo, Caturra
Elevation: 1300 MASL
Harvest: April - June 2024

We roast and ship on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. 

Orders placed on Thursday (after 7am) may be roasted and shipped the following week.

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