Esmeralda - Decaf

Esmeralda - Decaf

Regular price $18.50


Flavor Notes
Chocolate, Brown Sugar, Almond

Cup Characteristics
Like a good chewy cookie, this coffee’s chocolatey flavor is accompanied by a special mix of brown sugar, almond and dried fruit. Its deliciousness is enhanced by a wonderfully creamy body that highlights its natural sweetness like a spoonful of marshmallow fluff. Warm your cup with this rich and satisfying decaf.

Process: EA Process

What is the Ethyl Acetate (EA) Decaffeination Process:
To prepare the beans for decaffeination, the beans are washed and steamed to open the seeds' pores. They are then soaked in ethyl acetate (EA), a naturally occurring organic compound found in many fruits and vegetables which can be synthesized for coffee decaffeination. EA binds to the caffeine molecules and draws them out of the bean. The ethyl acetate is drained away, taking the caffeine with it. The beans are then washed again. This process is repeated until at least 97% of caffeine has been removed. Finally, the beans are dried back to their original moisture level.

Region: Veracruz
Farm: Esmeralda
Region: Veracruz
Elevation: 1000 MASL

Please note if you sign up for a decaf subscription the origin of the decaf may change from time to time. 

We roast and ship on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. 

Orders placed on Thursday (after 7am) may be roasted and shipped the following week.

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